42 Years - A Professional Law Corporation - Helping Asbestos Victims Since 1974


Mesothelioma Attorneys Pioneering Asbestos Litigation

mesothelioma attorneysMesothelioma attorneys are not all the same. Some mesothelioma attorneys are very experienced and knowledgeable. Others sadly are unscrupulous and out to profit from someone else’s tragic circumstances. They will settle a case quickly just to get their fee. Still other mesothelioma attorneys may be well-intended but inexperienced and inept. Asbestos litigation is a very intricate and detailed legal niche.

What if you could have the mesothelioma attorneys who pioneered asbestos litigation handle your case?  It would be like having Bill Gates install your computer’s software or Mark Zuckerberg create your Facebook page. While those two are unlikely to be available, it is really possible for you to have the mesothelioma attorneys who helped invent mesothelioma law, from the beginning, handle your case. You can be represented by Kazan Law.

Mesothelioma Attorneys with The Most Asbestos Case Experience

The founding partner of Kazan Law pioneered asbestos litigation over 40 years ago.  Today Steven Kazan is acknowledged as a leading global expert on asbestos law whose knowledge and skill continue to define this area of litigation.

Since the firm was founded by Steven Kazan in 1974, Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood, A Professional Law Corporation, has represented hundreds of people suffering from mesothelioma. They have won landmark victories and settlements totaling hundreds of millions of dollars for their clients. They have also achieved precedent-setting verdicts that have changed the way asbestos law cases are determined.

Today Kazan Law has grown to include 22 full-time mesothelioma attorneys.  But Steven Kazan, and his  partners at Kazan Law, still personally oversee every asbestos case the firm takes on. They remain as dedicated to obtaining justice for innocent working people whose lives have been jeopardized by callous profit-seeking companies as they were when they took on some of the first asbestos cases. Asbestos litigation at its best is about standing up for the rights of the little guy against big powerful corporate interests. And that is the kind of asbestos litigation expertly practiced by the mesothelioma attorneys at Kazan Law. They understand instinctively what to do because after all they were the ones who helped create asbestos litigation.

How Mesothelioma Attorneys Pioneered Asbestos Litigation

Over 40 years ago, many of the workers at the Johns-Manville plant in Lompoc, California were sick and dying.  Workers were upset about losing people they had worked with for many years. The labor union representative collected death certificates of all those who had died in the last five years and wrote a letter to someone he thought could help them.  That someone was Steven Kazan.

That was in 1974. Telephones were attached to walls, a computer took up an entire room and companies that produced asbestos-containing products were getting away with murder. Employees exposed to asbestos at work were dying from asbestosis and mesothelioma without their employers being held accountable.

In Oakland, California, at that time, Steven Kazan, a recent Harvard Law School graduate, had just started his law practice. He was already known for litigating complex medical and scientific issues, and had worked with an attorney who was trying to get workers compensation benefits for some of the men from the Pittsburg, California Johns Manville asbestos products plant.

Then, in 1974, Mr. Kazan was asked to take on litigating the civil lawsuits for those workers.  He won a precedent-setting suit for Reba Rudkin, who had developed asbestosis after 29 years of working at the Johns-Manville plant in Pittsburg, California. After winning this landmark case, he represented over 100 asbestos-affected workers from the same company.

In 1982, he won a $150,000 verdict for Bob Speake, one of the Johns-Manville workers, in a test case trial ordered by the Superior Court in Contra Costa County, CA.  This case is regarded as a “threshold verdict” because it created the opportunity for punitive damage verdicts against Johns-Manville. Months later, just as Steven Kazan was getting ready to go to settlement conferences on a large group of those cases, Johns –Manville filed for bankruptcy court protection. Steven had 393 cases pending against the company which he resolved with the trust fund set up as a result  of that bankruptcy.

Today Kazan Law is still headquartered in Oakland California. The firm’s mesothelioma attorneys continue to excel at pursuing justice for mesothelioma victims and others exposed to asbestos.  Kazan Law daily puts its 40 plus years of experience in pioneering asbestos lawsuits and setting precedents to work for its clients.

Kazan Law has remained at the forefront of asbestos litigation in California and nationally.  Kazan Law is proud of its history as pioneers in asbestos litigation. But as mesothelioma attorneys who are among the most experienced mesothelioma lawyers in the United States, we do not dwell in the past – we continue to win major settlements for our clients.

Mesothelioma Attorneys at Kazan Law Have the Expertise to Win Major Verdicts

Today well into the 21st century, Kazan Law’s dedication to legal excellence and justice for asbestos victims continues to result in major verdicts.  These verdicts gain Kazan Law recognition in the legal profession among their peers in the United States and throughout the world. A brief list of some of the verdicts won by Kazan Law:

  • $48 Million Verdict: Won by a former construction worker vs. the Union Carbide Corporation —this 2012 verdict was nationally recognized as the highest mesothelioma verdict on record for the year.
  • $27 Million Verdict: Against Owens-Illinois in a lawsuit filed by the former wife of a pipe insulator.
  • $11 Million Verdict: Won against Pneumo Abex  , Inc. in a wrongful death suit filed by the family of an automobile parts worker. This came after a separate $13 million award in the family’s personal injury suit.

As many activists and professionals throughout the world continue to fight for a global ban of asbestos, victims of asbestos exposure continue to contract mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases. For these people a chance to hold accountable those companies that exposed them to asbestos, pay for mounting medical bills, and provide for their families futures in the wake of their certain passing is motivation enough to seek the best and brightest asbestos litigators in the country. See what asbestos pioneers Kazan Law can do to help you and your family.





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Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood

55 Harrison St. Suite 400
Oakland, CA 94607

Mesothelioma Lawyers

© 2025 Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood.
A Professional Law Corporation.