Air Force Veterans and Asbestos Exposure
Sadly, many military veterans have developed mesothelioma from asbestos exposure. Air Force veterans have been at risk of developing mesothelioma and related diseases as a result of asbestos exposure since the 1930’s. Asbestos containing materials were widely used for decades due to their exceptional heat resistant properties, fireproofing, insulation, and cost effectiveness. As a result of these characteristics, asbestos has been used in a wide variety of manufactured goods. Many Air Force veterans may have been exposed to asbestos through items which include:
- airplane engines and other systems
- ceiling and floor tiles
- cement products
- roofing shingles
- insulation products
- plaster
- coating
- fire proof fabric based clothing
- paper products
- packaging
- brakes
- clutches
- transmission parts
- electrical wiring and systems